What is Larynx Cancer?
Larynx cancer is a type of cancer originating from the larynx. The larynx protects the trachea during the swallowing process, provides air to the lungs from the external air to reach the lungs and provides sound formation through the vocal cords. Laryngeal cancer, called medicine, is one of the most common cancers of the head and neck.
What are the risk factors for laryngeal cancer?
Smoking and alcohol useNutritional habits: Excessive consumption of red meat, processed food or fried foods, and inadequate nutrition from vitamin A and E vaccines increase laryngeal cancer.
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) infection
Exposure to some chemicals such as nickel, paint fume, coal dust at work,
Gender; Larynx cancer is 4-5 times more common in men than in women. However, the widespread use of cigarette smoking among women causes laryngeal cancer to be common in women.
Age: As in other types of cancer, the incidence of laryngeal cancer increases with age.
Genetic predisposition: People with family laryngeal cancer have a higher risk of developing larynx cancer than those without larynx cancer.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (Gastric reflux): When stomach acid comes out of the esophagus and comes into contact with the larynx, it may cause cancer in the cells.
What are the Symptoms of Larynx Cancer?
Hoarseness: One of the most important symptoms of larynx cancer. In the case of hoarseness that lasts longer than two weeks without a specific cause, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Persistent sore throat
Continuous cough
Swallowing difficulty
Pain in swallowing
Swallowing problem
Respiratory problems
Weight loss
Lump or mass in the neck: may be a sign of cancer spread to the lymph nodes in the neck)
What is the treatment of laryngeal cancer?
Different treatment options can be used alone or in combination in the treatment of the disease, depending on the stage of the cancer and the general condition of the patient. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the main treatment options. The most important factor in deciding the treatment to be selected is the location and stage of cancer. The goal of laryngeal cancer treatment is to try to recover the larynx and sound as much as possible.