Vocal cords polyps, nodules and cysts are common diseases of vocal cords.
Audio Wire Polibi
Vocal cord polyps usually occur due to misuse of the sound and smoking. Vocal cord polyps occur unilaterally, resulting in poor audio quality and hoarseness. Vocal cord polyps can be treated using micro-surgical methods.
Audio Wire Nodule
The vocal cord nodule can be defined as the thickening (callus) on the vocal cords as a result of incorrect use of the vocal for a long time. The vocal cord nodule is bilateral. If the nodule formed in the vocal cord is soft and small, it can usually be treated with sound therapy. However, if the nodule is hard and large, it is treated with micro-surgical methods.
Vocal Cyst
Cystic structures formed on vocal cords. Vocal cyst cyst is not caused by misuse of the sound, as in polyps and nodules. The cyst may be congenital or may occur later. The vocal cyst causes hoarseness and deterioration of sound quality. It is not possible to treat vocal cyst cysts with medication or vocal therapy. The only treatment option is microsurgery.