Cochlear implant surgery is applied to people with severe hearing loss. This device is an electronic device. Also known as bionic ear. This device works by converting sounds into electronic signals sent directly to the hearing nerve.
Surgery is performed under general anesthesia. It takes about 2 to 4 hours. In surgery, an incision is made behind the ear. A hole is made in the mastoid bone. The electrode portion of the device is then passed through this hole by forming a small hole in the cochlea. The incisions are then closed. After cochlear surgery, the patient is generally hospitalized for one day and discharged the next day. The period of return to daily life of the patient varies between 3-5 days. The sutures are removed one week after surgery. The device does not turn on immediately after surgery to accelerate the recovery time in the surgical site. Usually, the implant starts to operate after 2-6 weeks.