Tear bladder surgery, tear bladder or tear duct is a surgical procedure performed in cases of obstruction due to various reasons. In cases where congestion or inflammation of the tear sac or ducts cannot be resolved by medication or dilatation treatment, the tear sac is oralized to the nose by surgery.
In endoscopic surgery, the lacrimal bone between the tear sac and the nose is reached through the nose through endoscopic surgery performed by an experienced otolaryngologist. This bone is passed through the tear sac. The inner wall of the pouch is then opened. The thin tubes passed through the tear canals located near the nose of the lower and upper eyelids are detected through the nose. The length of stay of the tubes varies according to the condition of the disease. This period can be between 2 and 12 months.
Endoscopic surgery technology is developing rapidly with the advancing technology in recent years. In this way, lasers have been developed which make it extremely easy to pass the lacrimal bone through the nose, and with the introduction of the surgical navigation system, which allows the tissues to be seen fully during the operation, endoscopic operations made by entering the nasal passages have become easier and quicker.